
The haunted mansion screenit
The haunted mansion screenit

So, as we said in the last episode, which was two months ago, yes, we were going to do labyrinth next. I guess I know Second Elephant We need to address, but I touched on yeah, this is not the labyrinth episode. If it does, we're just giving up and feeling everything.


I'm going to keep a very close eye and recording software today to make sure it doesn't just completely go away on me, which would be very unfortunate. Just felt like the podcast juices were flowing. There's some good bands are overall, overall, it was a good podcast. I don't know, I feel like they're pretty good. Yeah, there is a lot of great tangents that will probably forget there.

the haunted mansion screenit

Yeah, with no purpose, like that's what we do, but like that time it's just without a purpose and it makes it kind of weird. But it just ended up being too dudes talking in a room about muppets for an hour. are going to sit through our terrible podcast today after a great podcast that will never be released anymore because it doesn't exist anymore. Yeah, and it's probably going to suck now. I think our morale was a little low last night, so we had to wait a little bit before we recorded. We literally made a longer podcast in the actual thing we were talking about. Over an hour of recording for a fifty minute special. Yep, and the entire episode is just gone. Yes, we went and got dinner, yes, and then we came back and recorded it, yes, and as we hit stop recording on our software crashed. Is You want to explain this to the audience? Pay, so last night we watched the muppets on mansion. All right, I think before we even say anything else, we do address an elephant in our room. I want to try and say we are the very manly muppets the same time.

the haunted mansion screenit

Done that Bible and we are the very are we doing this again? Pay doesn't understand. I'm one of your host leave borrow and I'm joined today with the wonderful Mr Pete. It's the very manly muppet show with your hostly and Pete.

The haunted mansion screenit