
Teacode review
Teacode review

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  • you have influence on the choice of tools and technologies.
  • you focus on a single project at a time.
  • Very good in speaking and writing in English (B2).
  • At least 3 years of experience on both frontend and backend side using React.js and Node.js.
  • Methodology: Scrum - two week sprints, daily meetings, retro/planning session Testing: Playwright, Cypress, Jest, TypeScript, React Native Detox, Appium, Testrail, Mocha, K6

    teacode review

    To communicate, plan and notes: Slack, Github/Gitlab, Asana, Clickup, Jira, Figma, Notion, Confluence, Sentry, Miro, Toggl, Google Workspace That will serve as an UI framework with its own database.įrontend: TypeScript, React (Functional Components, Hooks, Context API), Styled components, Next.js, Redux, Storybook, Webpack, Babel, Prettier, Eslint, GitHub Actions, GitLab, React Nativeīack-end: Node.js, AWS, Amplify, Nest.js, Express, Fastify, MongoDB, Postgresql, TypeScript, Cloudformation, Firebase, Elasticsearch, Serverless Unpublished works (with the exception of preprints) and references to textbooks are not included in the list of references.We are working on an internal tool for a client from the cryptocurrency industry. For books and collected works, it is necessary to indicate the exact titles on the title page, place and year of publication. It is not necessary to translate the list into English it is transliteration which is needed!ġ1. In addition, the list should be given in Latin transliteration (you can transliterate the text on the following resources or ). The list of references must be compiled as follows: surname and initials of the author, name of the journal, year, volume, issue, page (title of articles is not given) in accordance with the State Standard. The list of references must include foreign sources on the topic under study published in the last 5 years. Bibliographic references in the text of the article must be given in square brackets in numbers in accordance with the bibliography. A list of all cited literature must be attached to the article. Microphotographs, photographs and radiographs should be 6×9 cm in size and of good quality (at least 250 dpi).ġ0. The text of the article must contain a reference to each figure. Figures should be clear, easily reproducible and not contain text labels and signs that can be placed in text or captions. Drawings must be provided in any graphics editor (PSD, Tiff, AI, JPEG, PNG). The minimum number of figures necessary for understanding the text may be attached to the article. Statistical processing with reference to calculated coefficients is required.ĩ. The numbers in it must not differ from the numbers in the text. Tables must be compact, they should be named, the text of articles should contain a reference to the table. Mathematical and chemical formulas must be written very clearly, indicating the letters of the alphabet (Russian, Latin, Greek) in the margins, as well as upper and lower case letters, exponents, indices, letters or numbers, when this is not clear from the text.Ĩ.

    teacode review

    The article must be carefully verified by the author.ħ. For effective interaction with the editors of the journal, it is necessary to provide information about the author (last name, first name and patronymic, address, phone, e-mail). The text of the article containing the results of their own observations, research and experiments is usually divided into sections: introduction, materials, methods, results, discussions, conclusions.Ħ.

    teacode review

    It should contain the objectives of the study, main results, a list of keywords in Russian, Kazakh and English should be attached to each article.ĥ. Formatting of the article title: - the title of the article in Russian, Kazakh and English - the initials and surnames of the authors of the article in Russian, Kazakh and English - name of the institution in which the work was performed in Russian, Kazakh and English - the article is preceded by an abstract (summary) of not more than 100 words in Russian, Kazakh and English.

    Teacode review pdf#

    Articles in PDF format should not be send.Ĥ. Recommended article size - not more than 8 pages. Materials must be printed on one side of an A4 format sheet, font size 12.

    Teacode review code#

    The article must be printed and submitted to the editorial office and (obligatorily) typed on a computer in any text editor in the Windows operating system (word break should not be done), the article must have an MRNTI code (Inter-State Rubricator for Scientific and Technical Information) and UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) code (it can be determined on the website ).ģ. The journal “Reproductive Medicine” publishes articles covering the fundamental and particular issues of reproductive medicine.Ģ.

    Teacode review